All of BrainStore's Tools, Modules and Options

Good overview for label based search

Idea Interviews

Experienced BrainStore interviewers talk to your team, your customers and potential customers.

Amassing Tools

Overview of BrainStore's Amassing Tools for Inperson-Workshops

Expert Interviews

Experienced BrainStore interviewers talk to leading experts about your topic. This leads to great insights.

From the cradle to the grave

How do your customers experience your services?


Net Scouts search the web for amazing ideas and concepts. Very inspiring material – condensed to super short presentation.
Web research for inspiring ideas for your topic. These inspirations will be brought into an attractive format and can be used for the extraction phase during the creative workshop.

Creative Workshop

The BrainStore team loves to bring together participants representing many different viewpoints in fast pace, highly efficient brainstorming-workshops.

Tools for In Person Workshops

Product and service hunting inspires. BrainStore's trend scouts find cool ideas in various countries and industries to inspire the participants of creative workshops. The products are shipped, the observations are documented.

Idea Machine Engine

BrainStore makes available the Idea Machine Engine.

Inputs from External experts

External experts inspire during the creative process with their expertise.